The country is an economic basket case with chronic unemployment and rampant crime. 这个国家长期失业严重、犯罪猖獗,经济几近瘫痪。
To prevent chronic unemployment and its attendant ills, including crime and civil unrest, cities must find ways to create jobs for people of every skill level. 要防范长期失业以及伴随而来的弊病(包括犯罪和国内动乱),城市必须设法为所有技能水平的人们创造就业。
The report found that despite formidable growth rates in China and the surge in exports from the region, young people still face chronic unemployment problems. 报告发现尽管中国的经济成长率惊人,出口贸易也极为兴盛,但是年轻的劳动人口仍然必须面对长年未曾改善的失业问题。
Chronic unemployment, the availability of firearms and corruption all facilitate the illegal ivory trade. 长期失业、枪械容易获得以及腐败,均助长了非法象牙交易。
These countries are beset by a chronic and serious unemployment problem. 这些国家长期存在着严重的失业问题。
The economy flourishes despite a fairly high rate of chronic unemployment. 尽管失业率居高不下,经济仍在蓬勃发展。
The continent still boasts precious little growth, chronic unemployment and a pile of public debt. 欧洲仍面临经济增速极度缓慢、长期失业以及公共部门债台高筑等问题。
There is a chronic unemployment problem in America. 在美国存在长期失业问题。你知道它的英文吗?
Chronic stress occurs all too frequently due to our modern lifestyles, when everything from high-pressured jobs to unemployment keeps the body in a state of perceived threat. 受现代生活方式的影响,持续性的压力频繁发生,无论是压力过大的工作,还是失业,都会让人的身体处于一种恐慌的状态。